
Realizujemy projekt dofinansowany
z Funduszy Norweskich „Miasto Piła z nową energią!”

Kolejne zajęcia przeprowadzone przez naszych trenerów nurkowania HSA zostały przeprowadzone w ramach projektu „Miasto Piła z nową energią!” Wsparci przez  Gminę Piła w ramach Programu Rozwój Lokalny prowadzimy zajęcia rehabilitacyjne dla osób niepełnosprawnych wraz z ich przygotowaniem do nurkowania.

Celem projektu jest rehabilitacja społeczna poprzez sport ekstremalny (nurkowanie) osób z niepełnosprawnościami (osoby z autyzmem, osoby z niepełnosprawnościami ruchowymi i intelektualnymi, osoby z chorobami postępującymi).

Projekt ten finansowany jest ze środków Norweskiego Mechanizmu Finansowego 2014-2021 i budżetu państwa na mocy umowy o dofinansowanie nr 8/2021/RL z dnia 10 grudnia 2021 r.

„Zadania realizowane są w ramach projektu pn. „Miasto Piła z nową energią!” współfinansowanego ze środków Norweskiego Mechanizmu Finansowego na lata 2014-2021 i budżetu państwa pod hasłem „Wspólnie działamy na rzecz Europy zielonej, konkurencyjnej i sprzyjającej integracji społecznej”, w ramach umowy o dofinansowanie nr 8/2021/RL z dnia 10 grudnia 2021 r.


Krok po Kroku HSA Foundation has signed and is implementing another project, an agreement for conducting rehabilitation courses for people with disabilities, including their preparation for diving. The goal of the project is social rehabilitation through extreme sport (diving) of people with disabilities (people with autism, people with physical and intellectual disabilities, people with progressive diseases). Classes are conducted in accordance with the requirements of safe diving rules according to HSA standards. The experience of Krok po Kroku HSA trainers, confirmed by research, shows that rehabilitation through diving brings wide therapeutic results, including social integration.

The project implemented in the years 2023-2024 is part of the project „City of Piła with new energy!”, implemented by the Municipality of Piła as part of the Local Development Program under the slogan „We work together for a green, competitive and socially inclusive Europe.” The project is financed by the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 and the state budget under the grant agreement No. 8/2021/RL of December 10, 2021.

As part of the contract, we will implement a rehabilitation through diving program for 40 participants, consisting of 24 workshops (40 hours each). The workshop program will include: the DSD (i.e. Discover Scuba Diving) program – discover diving / underwater trip, and for some participants (minimum 20 people) an additional diving training program in accordance with HSA standards. The classes will include conducting:

 – 360 hours of theoretical training, including qualification meetings / with a doctor and first aid training, including with the use of a defibrillator (training is required for all trainees participating in open water diving) –  individually or in small groups while maintaining the sanitary regime – average 5 participants),

 – 600 hours of practical training (including 400 hours of pool and pool-like classes and 200 hours in open water, including a minimum of 80 hours of classes in cold water conditions),

 – providing audiovisual materials regarding diving training (in Polish, adapted for people with disabilities).

– conducting examinations after the training and providing – depending on the training results – diving certificates (certification in accordance with the standards of the international HSA organization – multi-level A/B/C/C with reservations, or issuing a Diploma).

Classes are held at facilities in Piła or within a radius of 20 km from Piła, including our Diving Rehabilitation Base on Lake Płotki

„The tasks are carried out as part of the project entitled „The city of Piła with new energy!” co-financed by the Norwegian Financial Mechanism for 2014-2021 and the state budget under the slogan „We work together for a green, competitive and socially inclusive Europe”, under the co-financing agreement No. 8/2021/RL of December 10, 2021.